5 Technologies To Change Course Of Humanity In 5 Years

#2 A digital guardian will protect you online

In five years, IBM envisions a digital guardian that will be trained to focus on the people and items it is entrusted with. This will then sort through all the situational and historical data to verify a person’s identity on different devices. “It looks at your behavior with a device and spots something anomalous. It screams when there is something out of the norm.” said Meyerson.

#1 The city will help you live in it

IBM says that, by 2030, the towns and cities of the world will make up 80 percent of urban community and by 2050, seven out of every 10 people will be a city dweller. To deal with that growth, cities will have to understand in real-time how billions of events occur as computers learn to understand what people need, what they like, what they do, and how they move from place to place. The company predicts cities will analyze the information provided by the citizens to place recourses where they are needed. The advantage of such a connected city is that the feedback in instantaneous and the government can be much more responsive.

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