5 Stumbling Blocks Companies Face with ERP

5. Right People, not Rightly placed:
Placing people
Knowledge about ERP system is like knowing the heart of the company. At the end of the day, ERP system is implemented only to meet the business objectives of the company and to maximize the business benefits and efficiencies. Most of the time when charting out points for the ERP project the right people are not asked the right question. For example, many organizations take opinions and suggestions from management level, who actually have no clue of what is needed in the operations level. Gathering information from key participants across the organization from different sectors of the company like finance, production, manufacturing, purchasing and warehouse in addition to IT will give a broader view of the spectrum and help fix the issues through the ERP project. "Often times, organizations do not bring the right people together from the very start of an ERP implementation," says Beasley. "ERP implementation is one of the biggest projects an organization can undertake, and consequently, mistakes can be made and plans might get derailed if the right stakeholders are not involved in every aspect of the decision-making process,"