5 Reasons Why Young Interns Love Microsoft

Bangalore: Bill Gates was once considered a bad employer. His company is still considered as the den of abusive managers resorting to stack rank approach. The company has also lost the position commanded in the 90’s. In spite of all this Microsoft is still one of the most preferred companies by interns. Don’t be surprised. We bring you the 5 reasons why interns go gaga over Microsoft internships.

1. Microsoft Home To Idealist Techies:

Microsoft remains untouched from all this hoopla companies like Facebook and Google are making about advertising revenue. Many techies believe that the job of a tech company is to create marvels with technology and not depend on advertising revenue.

James Whittaker, a well-known software engineer who had left Microsoft for Google three years ago returned to the mother ship because he was turned off by Google's increasing focus on ad revenue. It is this idealist work force that prefers working at Microsoft instead of other Silicon Valley companies.

One intern went to the extent of calling Facebook and Google’s attitude towards privacy and advertising ‘creepy’. "What kind of business model is that, shoving ads in peoples' faces?" said another Microsoft intern.

This trend is catching up as idealist geeks turn to Microsoft.