5 Most Deadliest Countries for Journalists in 2012

Pakistan has become increasingly dangerous for journalist to cover stories. As said by the report, atleast one journalist is killed every month since February 2010 in Pakistan. Just in 2012 about 9 journalists and one media assistant have been killed, adding to the present atrocity in Pakistan. Balochistan, one of Pakistan’s provinces prolongs to be considered as one of the world’s most dangerous regions. With its chaotic political history, its Tribal Areas, its tension with India and its border with Afghanistan, Pakistan is one of the world’s most complex countries to cover. There are many life threatening challenges for the journalists in Pakistan. They encounter situations like Terrorist threats, local potentates with unlimited powers and it also includes police violence and deadly conflicts in the Tribal Areas region, which adds to the risky roads they travel to get the truth. Christophe Deloire, secretary general of Reporters without Borders said, “The impunity enjoyed by those responsible for violations of human rights, in particular, the right to freedom of information, encourages the continuation of these violations.”


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