5 Indian International Airports with Biggest Duty Free Stores

Hyderabad Airport
Hyderabad International Airport also called the Rajiv Gandhi International airport is on the fifth place. The annual sale at this airport is estimated to be $6.3 for the purchase of duty free items at the respective outlets.
Apart from liquor, perfumes, tobacco, 5percent of the sale is from supermarket items at the airport.  The items requested by travelers at Hyderabad airport are cosmetics, electronic goods and fashion and clothing.
In some countries, including India a duty or tax is imposed on goods which are brought into the country, even though these items are bought duty free in other country, applied only on specific goods. The airport also levies duty on goods that exceed the allowed value or quantity.  As per the CAPA India is still underperforming in the duty free retail sectors for a number of reasons, which include the short of high quality airport retail infrastructure, complex distribution and formerly strict investment policy, considering all airports in the country.