5 C's of Mobile Marketing


Its the most important ‘C’ among all - The Convenience of communication & interaction offered by a mobile phone wins hands down to any other device. It easily fits into everyone's pocket, keeps all connected 24x7 and allows access from boardroom, bedroom, bus or train. Its extensively used by people across age group, gender, location and literacy.

Hence when it comes to connecting with a brand, mobile comes as a natural choice for everyone, be it brand or the customer.

Mobile has grown into an extension of one’s identity and there’s hardly anyone who can live without it. Its the first one checks on opening eyes in the morning and the last before going to sleep. Undoubtedly, Brands can reap great benefits by incorporating mobile.

Mobile marketing offers greater penetration of market, allowing individual reach with complete consideration to everyone’s privacy.

It creates a connect between brands and its customers that leads to effective customer acquisition, retention and overall higher brand recall. After all thats the core objective of every marketing campaign, isn’t it?

A mobile marketing campaign that brings Cost, Context, Call-to-action, Creative and Convenience in fine alignment can assuredly hit its target group right in the spot and create the connect.
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