5 Best Places To Celebrate Christmas In India

Bangalore: The month of December comes with a lot of surprises, an end to the yearlong hard works, longing for a New Year and above all, Christmas, the birthday of Lord Jesus. Even though Christmas in India is not accompanied by snow, Christmas trees and presents like other countries, the festival is enjoyed by everyone and there are many places where you can find traditional Christmas cheers.

Here are the places in India, where you can’t miss a chance to celebrate Christmas, compiled by bestbeachesindia.

#5 Shillong

Shillong, the north eastern state of India celebrates the festival in style. Most churches in the region have local bands playing Christmas songs throughout the month. Local dance troops will also perform events during this time. The churches will be decorated and in some areas, people celebrate on the street as well. The area’s higher Christian population makes the festival more energetic. The chilly cold climate of this state fits well for the season and it’s a best place to celebrate Christmas away from the crowds.

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