5 Tips for Enterprises to Enhance Google Drive Adoption

#1 Communicate a clear plan:

Enterprises are still unaware of the latest trends and changes within the technology. So the first step for an excellent Google Drive adoption is to train and change the management plan within the enterprise. Factors such as technology co-existence, productivity suites and migration technique must be considered.

#2 Provide training:

The second step where enterprises must focus more is training. Training will increase users comfort level with Google Drive so that employees can primarily focus on business goals of their organization. Also, apt guidance can focus workers on organizational policies on naming documents, sharing, searching, and developing better organization of documents within the Drive.

#3 Prepare a rich template gallery:

Organizations need to have a good library for all their important documents. This kind of course can assure users to store their documents with consistency and format.

Linking to templates from the corporate intranet site and allowing employees to access high-use documents like Meeting Agendas, Project Plans, Action Items Lists, Proposals and Statements of Work are the best examples.