217 Million Indians Malnourished

As of 2012 India continues to be home to the largest number of undernourished people in the world at 217 million. Since 1990, the country has reduced the number of malnourished people by less than 10 percent and is one of the nations, along with Congo, Namibia, etc that the FAO forecasts will not meet its MDG goal. The proportion of undernourished Indians currently stands at 17.5 percent.

The proportion of the undernourished in the world presently stands at 12.5 percent of the world's population. The organization restated that the numbers had not been manipulated to support the MDG process.

However, the new numbers remain problematic. The FAO agreed that the numbers continue to measure the amount of nutrition essential for a person following an inactive lifestyle despite the fact that  most of the world's poor are involved in a great deal of physical labour.

FAO director-general Jose Graziano da Silva said "We need to recognize these numbers are still too high: one in eight people are hungry in a world of plenty, that already has enough food to feed," as reported by TOI.