2013's Most Followed Trending Topics On Twitter

The Birth of Royal Baby, UK:

The news of the new born Prince of Cambridge earlier this year, brought Twitter close to meltdown as millions from around the world shared their excitement and offered congratulations. Incredible 487million Twitter users have posted about the Duchess of Cambridge going into labour even before the baby’s birth was announced. A spark of conversation came in the minutes following the initial announcement, with over 25,300 tweets per minute. According to Twitter, the highest volumes of tweets came from the UK, the United States, Canada, France and Italy. It was thought to be one of the busiest days the social network has ever experienced.

Government Shutdown, United States:

The government of U.S. when shutdown for 16 days after Congress failed to enact legislation appropriating funds for fiscal year 2014. Regular government operations resumed after an interim appropriations bill was signed into law. During that period, millions of tweets have been generated all over the world. Social media like twitter served as a megaphone for dozens of politicians airing their opinions to masses.

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