15 Most Hated CEOs

3. Microsoft CEO - Steve Ballmer

Disapproval Rating: 65 Percent

Ballmer is disliked so much at Microsoft that it is even being suggested that Gates should be brought back into the management. Ashutosh Harbola, of Business, says that Gates style of management wasn't loved by many but employees still feel that Gates is better than Ballmer. Ballmer's leadership has faced constant scrutiny by media and corporate alike. According to Financial Times Global 500, Microsoft's market capitalization became almost one-third from 2000 to 2010. Jeff Kagan, IT analyst, quotes, "Microsoft has happy customers and it is a natural for them to transform and lead the new industry. They have just not done that over the last decade." It also seems that Ballmer is preparing to abandon Microsoft. In November 2010, Ballmer sold 12 percent of his share, amounting to about $1.3 billion. Ballmer is said to have tarnished Microsoft's reputation. The very smug Ballmer even quoted, "Once Gates leaves, I am not going to need him for anything" when he overtook the firm in 2000.
4. Verizon CEO - Lowell McAdam
Disapproval Rating: 62 Percent
McAdam has a very good track record and has led Verizon to new heights. Still, his personality and dealing with people is questionable. He is allegedly said to have evaded taxes. No one is actually sure about the truth of this statement but seeing him in the top 5 most hated CEOs category sheds some light on his personality. He is also said to not treat his employees with dignity and respect. Jobitorial quotes a few employee reviews given for Verizon - people hate working at Verizon so much that they can't even go for a month there. Their customer service is so terrible that people have blogs for protesting against the same.