15 Entrepreneurs Who Built Empires Out of Scratch

4. Niklas Zennstrom

Vision: Internet Telephony Service

Achievement: Skype

The Swedish creator of Skype had envisioned seamless and easy file transferring over internet. To accomplish his goal he co-founded KaZaA Media Desktop which became one of the most popular ways of trading multimedia files over the web. After facing a lot of controversies and ruthless lawsuits, Niklas went on to design Skype which was based on similar technology as KaZaA.

5. Steve Jobs

Vision: World’s First Personal Computer

Achievement: Apple Inc

After few days in college, Jobs soon realized that it was in no way going to fulfill his dreams. Working for many firms and designing calligraphy Jobs teamed up with a pro engineer, Steve Wozniak to produce world’s first personal computer. Jobs had this flair about him to never get into market research and achieve greatness just by following the gut feeling.