13 Best Tech Companies To Work For In 2013

#4 National Instruments

Company Rating: 4.2

CEO Approval: James Truchard- 100%

National Instruments was the pioneer in setting up the Virtual Instrumentation Technology in India. It has a R&D centre in Bangalore. It prides itself in providing India specific solutions to challenges faced by Indian engineers.

One of the employees told that the company used its cash resources to avoid layoffs during the recession. Another employee said “the upper management understands the need to invest in people”.

#3 Google

Company Rating: 4.3

CEO Approval: Larry Page- 94%

Google has changed the way we see and use information. What was started as a project between three friends to get better search results has grown today into a giant of the internet. It is known for its unique office design, food, games & even opportunities for employees to take a nap!

“The people, the culture, and the constant innovation - makes coming to work every day a fun routine.”  This is echoed by most of the employees at the facility.