12 Surprising Characteristics that Define an Entrepreneur

#11 You experience Boredom in doing everyday activities

You feel bored while sitting in class; you feel that you are wasting your time idly listening to lecture when you could go to the lab and make a hovercraft on your own. “Sometimes,” (not every time) the child who doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t participate in class discussions, and doesn’t respond to the teacher’s questions well because he feels that the course work is not of his level. Mark Zuckerberg is one such example, he dropped out of college to start the largest social network in the world.

#10 Fired from Jobs

Have you been doing too much at your work? Not everyone appreciates creativity and innovation. Corporate is not the best place for you if you are brimming with these qualities. In the corporate sector when you are asked to pick up a glass of water, they expect you to do it with your hand and not the notebook which the glass of water rests upon. They want a certain angle by which the task needs to be completed, if you feel that you can do it in a better and easier way then just come out and do it.

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