12 Greatest Entrepreneurs in the World

Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos took a huge step as he ignored his boss’ advice and quit his job and went to Seattle. In 1994, he launched Amazon and it took 6 years for the company to report its first quarterly profit. He was never in a hurry to boost his profits at the expense of coming up with a lasting company and he still goes by this ideology. It can be frantic at time to lead a company that is closely watched. What he generally does is he locks himself in a room where there are no distractions from the outside world to get more creative. During this break he surfs web and just look at what hackers and hobbyists are doing these days. And finally he comes up with a three pager memo for his team and for himself, which says, "What I find is, by the time that process is done, I'm never really sure if I invented something or not, because it starts here and ends up there. That's what you want if you have a bunch of smart people. Somebody says, `Well, that will never work because you forgot x, y, and z.' And then you step back and recognize that's true and then it morphs and builds." Amazon employs around 56,200 people at present and its market value is $84.0 billion.