11 Most Desirable Tech Bachelors

#3 Matt Mullenweg

Company: WordPress and Automattic

Title: Founder

Age: 29

Location: San Francisco, C.A.

Education: Attended the University of Houston and majored in Political Science, before he dropped out to pursue a job at CNET Networks

Matthew Charles "Matt" Mullenweg is an American online social media entrepreneur, web developer and musician living. He is best known for developing the free and open source web software, WordPress, which powers 16 percent of the web and is now managed by The WordPress Foundation. In late 2005, he quit his job at CNET Networks and founded Automattic, the business behind WordPress.com (which provides free WordPress blogs and other services), Akismet, Gravatar, VaultPress, IntenseDebate, Polldaddy, and more. His professional blog is ma.tt, a domain hack.

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