10 Top Websites That Inspire And Aid Entrepreneurs

#3 Psychology Today: The Psychology Today is a self-improvement website that specifically focuses on content that will help individuals develop the right kind of mindset, which relates to their happiness, talent or behavior. With articles on intelligence, memory, success, behavioral economics, creativity, neuroscience, and stress the Psychology website covers it all under one roof.

The website has its uniqueness over its functions where in writers and contributors are required to provide sources and usually hold a PhD to share any information related to the field. The website also asks individuals to earn their right to be published in the site as it is rated as one of America’s most visited websites.

#2 Marie Forleo:  Marie Forleo is a self made marketing and lifestyle expert and a bestselling author who has helped thousands of people set up their businesses through her popular website named marieforleo.com. Additionally, she has reached over 190,000 readers in 191 countries worldwide and also leads dynamic training programs in her b-school that teach individuals to succeed in business and life.

Marie has some big names who have interviewed her and to name a few Tony Robbins interviewed her as one of 12 top online marketing and lifestyle experts. She appeared on Oprah’s show Super Soul Sunday, and also got the opportunity to mentor entrepreneurs in Richard Branson Centre for Entrepreneurship in South Africa.

#1 TED Blog: TED blog is a nonprofit website that is completely devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. TED initially had number of topics and sections that it used to cover and of them were technology, entertainment and design. But today the website covers almost all topics—from science to business to global issues –in more than 100 languages.

In addition to the popular TEDTalk videos, individuals get the opportunity to run through interesting blog articles in categories such as education, news, fellow friday, design, health, culture, global issues, art, and more.


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