10 Tips for Entrepreneurs to Find More Time

#5 Simplify:

Jain advices upcoming and busy entrepreneurs that, with the increase of workload it’s always better to simplify efforts. “The more I do this the easier my business is to run. For example, I've just recently moved almost entirely to accepting payments by credit card which diminishes the need for frequent bank trips to deposit checks. I have also put clients on recurring billing so this saves time and effort of invoicing each month,” she added. With that entrepreneurs really need to keep in mind the main tool for finding more time- simplification.

#4 Automate:

According to Jain, the best way to find more time in a day is by the bettering the use of technology. We have to utilize the advancements in technology, and when it comes to an entrepreneur, it’s a must. Several examples like the use of emails in mobiles, use of websites or even gaining important information from the web can all better time. From today’s life, every entrepreneur should understand that automation is one of the best way in dividing your efforts. Put still people complain that even though technology is so advanced, they find it difficult to set it up. But Jain clearly reminds the fact that “you set it up once and it runs from there.”