10 Things Phenomenal People Say Every Day

5. "Can you help me?"

The extraordinary people know how to help themselves. In extreme cases, when they fail to help themselves, they never stand back in asking help from others.

Politeness is a language everyone appreciates, understands and speaks.

The extraordinary people never miss out a chance to show their politeness. It might be in helping others or while asking help from others.

Helping others can bring no harm to anyone. In the same way, asking help from others will never affect the reputation of anyone.

6. "I'm sorry."

Mistakes are an inevitable part of life. Even the extraordinary people also can’t claim that they are untouched by mistakes.

Committing a mistake is not a crime but not accepting the mistake is one. Extraordinary people never miss out an apology whenever they are wrong.

This doesn’t bring down their glory. Rather this makes people know their humbleness and commitment towards the society.

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