10 Super Successful Startup Partnerships That Nailed The World


Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield

Ice cream, it melts…, but not this friendship. 

Year:  1978

Company: Ben & Jerry's

Partnership: Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were childhood friends. Born four days apart, they met each other during a high school gym class in 1963. They quickly became inseparably thick friends and even double-dated. This duo loved food and both collectively took up a correspondence course in Ice Cream making and mastered the course later. Investing a handsome $12,000 then, they opened their first ice cream shop and called it ‘Ben and Jerry’s.’

How it worked: Ben and Jerry were able to turn their friendship into a successful business thanks to a joint passion for food and a desire to do more than just profit. The pair is adamant about giving back to the community, and this resonates with their customers.