10 Successful Companies Started by Kids

5. Angelo Sotira

Founder and CEO of deviantArt

Angelo Sotira is an American Entrepreneur who co-founded an online community called deviantArt, along with Matthew Stephens and Scott Jarkoff, in 2000, when he was only 18. deviantArt is an online community showcasing various forms of user-made artwork.

dA is a site where users can set up an account to show off and popularize their work. They can also sell prints of their work and buy sponsored merchandise. Within three years, it earned 100 submissions that is an average of 1,40,000 per day. It has more than 15 millions users.

For art lovers, flowery words, stroke of brushes, the strike of a chord, a camera click, anything and everything is an artwork. But with deviantArt, art came more near to them through few mouse clicks.