10 Secrets Revealed: Pitching in to a VC Made Easy

Don’t be very serious

It is a little obvious for any person to be a little serious when the subject is ‘money’, but an entrepreneur must carry it a little lightly because the investor might start laughing the next minute after he leaves. It is easier to impress such guys with sweet jokes rather than dull grey suits and powerful ties.

Defending assumptions

Big dreams are perfectly fine, if you plan to have 15 million users in 5 months, that’s good but it must be very clear on how you plan to reach to that mark. The explanation must also throw light on possibilities and assumptions; it must also have backups and support for such thoughts which should be convincing and logical.

Explain the hard part

Making it look cool and colorful is all fine but it is very obvious that every business has its bad part. Explaining the hard part would only help the business as it would prompt VC’s to give ideas to overcome such situations.