10 Programming Languages That Can Redefine IT

6. Fantom

Fantom is designed for cross-platform portability, allowing you to choose platforms like Java or .NET in the middle of a development. The Fantom project includes not just a compiler that can output byte code for either the JVM or the .Net CLI, but also a set of APIs that abstract away the Java and .Net APIs, creating an additional portability layer.

It adds easy syntax for declaring data structures and serializing objects. And it includes support for functional programming and concurrency built into the language.

Fantom is open source under the Academic Free License 3.0 and is available for Windows and Unix-like platforms (including Mac OS X).

7. Zimbu

Zimbu aims to be a fast, concise, portable, and easy-to-read language that can be used to code anything from a GUI application to an OS kernel. It borrows features from almost all programming languages. It uses C-like expressions and operators, but its own keywords, data types, and block structures. It supports memory management, threads, and pipes. The Zimbu compiler outputs ANSI C code, allowing binaries to be built only on platforms with a native C compiler.