10 Must-Read Biographies For A Techie

#7 Delivering Happiness

 Tony Hseih, 2010

Inspirational Quote: "We wanted to run our own business, and be in control of our own destiny. We had no idea where it would lead us, but wherever it was, we knew it had to be better than feeling bored and unfulfilled. We were ready for an adventure."- Tony Hseih

Tony Hsieh’s proved to be an entrepreneur when he was just nine years old and launched his first business; a worm farm. Further he moved on and shifted to businesses ranging from publishing a newsletter and selling it to classmates and running garage sales, all before high school. At the age of 24, he sold his company LinkExchange and joined Zappos.

Currently, the CEO of Zappos, Tony Hsieh shares the different lessons he has learned in business and life. The book shows a very different kind of corporate culture for achieving success.

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