10 Movies that should have won an Oscar but didn't!

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 29 July 2011, 23:45 IST   |    4 Comments
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Psycho (1960)
One cannot help but wonder how a movie that tops AFI's list of 100 Most Thrilling American movies did not even get a nomination under the Best Picture category. This iconic movie had such a great psychological impact on the audience that it was hailed as the best and scariest movie ever made. Its direct relation with some of our most dramatic emotions: terrors, anguish, fear and the nightmarish movie's themes of paranoia caused by isolation, voyeurism, the dual nature of the human psyche, the lack of dissimilarity between reality and appearance, the superiority of death over life and the way in which insanity is represented make Psycho stand out as one most distressing and aggressive films. Though the movie got nominations under Best Director, Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Black-and-White, Best Cinematography, Black-and-White and Best Actress in a Supporting Role, it didn't win a single Oscar! Who won instead? The Apartment (1960), producer/director Billy Wilder's bittersweet, tear-jerking tragic-comedy/drama of a submissive insurance clerk (Lemmon) who secretly lends out his apartment to other company executives for adulterous sexual affairs and liaisons.