10 Most Magical Moments In Apple's Journey

iMac or Computer Candy

The iMac or Computer Candy, introduced in 1998, turned out to become the best-selling personal computer in America. It had two characteristics which made it one of the best-selling. First, it was a self-contained unit that required minimal setup and even had a handle that made it easier to pull out of the box and move around. The absence of the device cords that powered and connected the computer and monitor made the iMac attractive to users who were hardly aware about computers. Secondly, the iMac was appealing and pretty with its cute circular mouse and translucent body. It led to Apple’s transformation where around 800,000 units were sold in its first five months.  Less than a year after Jobs unveiled iMac, he launched the second generation that came in five bright colors.

Mac OS X Release

The Mac OS X, known as virtually cash proof OS gave its way to open source programming. It was released in March 2001 and was appealing to the eyes because of its “aqua” look and feel, noted for its soft edges, translucent colors and pinstripes. Its featured, stability, speed and ease of use turned out to be a major selling point for new Mac users who switched from windows-driven PCs.

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