10 Most Inspiring Tech CEOs Of 2013

#7 Tim Armstong


Being the chairman and CEO of AOL, Tim is known to have taken a big move in buying the Huffington Post and making Arianna Huffington, the present in charge of AOL content.

Today AOL is known to serve over 200 million consumers a month and is one of the world’s biggest consumers brand.

#6 Jack Dorsey

Founder and CEO of Twitter

He created the biggest micro blogging site which is used by millions today and is credited for 1.6 billion search queries per day.

Dorsey is also the Founder and CEO of Square which has made a lot of news for raising one of the biggest rounds of funding from the Venture Capital Industry.

He was named as the outstanding innovator at the age of 35 by MIT’s Technology Review and was also regarded as one of TIME magazine’s most influential people of all time.

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