10 Most Infamous Criminals In Technology

#6 Albert Gonzalez

Albert Gonzalez  is an American computer hacker and computer criminal who is accused of masterminding the combined credit card theft and subsequent reselling of more than 170 million card and ATM numbers from 2005 through 2007—the biggest such fraud in history.

Gonzalez and his accomplices used SQL injection to deploy backdoors on several corporate systems in order to launch packet sniffing attacks which allowed him to steal computer data from internal corporate networks.

During his spree he was said to have thrown himself a $75,000 birthday party and complained about having to count $340,000 by hand after his currency-counting machine broke. Gonzalez stayed at lavish hotels but his formal homes were modest.

#5 Hector Xavier Monsegur

Hector Xavier Monsegur, known also by the online pseudonym Sabu, is an American computer hacker and co-founder of the hacking group LulzSec. LulzSec went on a data stealing spree, seizing user accounts details from Sony Pictures in 2011 and taking down the CIA's website. After the attacks, it also released passwords from other sites. Federal agents arrested Monsegur on June 7, 2011.

He later turned informant for the FBI, working with the agency for over ten months to aid them in identifying other hackers from Lulzsec and related groups. Monsegur provided the FBI with details enabling the arrest of five other hackers associated with the groups Anonymous, Lulzsec and Antisec.

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