10 Most Globalized Economies in the World

8. Belgium
Global connections rank in 2011 (out of 139 countries): 6
Global connections rank in 2012 (out of 139 countries): 5

Belgium was named as the most globalized country in the world. The annual survey attempts to measure political, economic, and social globalization around the world using a host of sub-indices.

9. The Netherlands
Global Connections Rank In 2011 (Out Of 139 Countries): 5
Global Connections Rank In 2012 (Out Of 139 Countries): 6

Netherlands is the 17th largest economy of the world. In this country, GDP per capita is roughly $42,000 which puts it in the top 10 of richest nations in the world. Between 1996 and 2000 annual economic growth averaged over 4 percent, well above the European average. Growth slowed considerably in 2001-05 as part of the global economic slowdown. 2006 and 2007 however showed economic growth of 3.4 percent and 3.9 percent.

10. Malta
Global connections rank in 2011 (out of 139 countries): 7
Global connections rank in 2012 (out of 139 countries): 7

The strengths of Malta are its limestone, a favourable geographic location, and a productive labor force. The country produces about 20 percent of food needs and has no domestic energy sources. The economy is dependent on foreign trade, manufacturing tourism and financial services. In 2003, over 1.2 million tourists visited this island nation.

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