10 Marvelous Pieces of Street Art From Around the Globe

Bangalore: “No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist,” is rightly said by Oscar Wilde. It is through art, various artists bring out their creativity to express and voice out their opinion as there is a saying one work of art speaks a thousand words.

Street is now one of the most favorite platforms for most artists as it is the most accessed areas by anyone from anywhere. As such, today the trends of street arts have become quite popular in most parts of the world. Here is the list of the incredible street arts from all corners of the world as listed by toptenz.net:-


Banksy who is an anonymous street artist became popular in the late 1990s for his challenging stenciled pieces. The artwork of Banksy is distinguished from other art works for its  striking images, frequently combined with slogans. His work mostly includes political themes, satirically critiquing war, capitalism, hypocrisy and greed. He also covered some general subjects like rats, apes, policemen, members of the royal family, and children.

Banksy in addition to his two-dimensional work, is known for his installation artwork. A live elephant painted with a Victorian wallpaper pattern which is one of his noted pieces had flashed controversy among animal rights activists. Most of his works have drawn interest for their jittery themes or the boldness of their implementation. Banksy is one of the Academy Award nominated street artist.

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