10 Mantras for Entrepreneurs to Improve Personal Productivity

Achieve excellence

By definition, no human, company or entrepreneur is perfect, hence achieving perfection is unrealistic and is bound to failure. Achieving excellence is much more laudable and sensible; this must be the thought of every entrepreneur. While striving towards excellence, an organization goes through various hurdles which make an organization a little close to being perfect. Emphasizing on the notion of ‘perfection’ can only cause chaos, even at the earliest stage of a company.

Overcome procrastination

Fear of failure is the root cause for procrastination. Psychologists assert that procrastinators actually destroy themselves from growing. It is a phobia that pulls them back and hence it must be sustain, without a minutes delay. Procrastinators chose path which would hurt their productivity and creativity and this path limits the business. So every entrepreneur must avoid these paths and take a stronger path to ensure that the life of his business and career does not end.