10 Hard Truths Developers Should Learn to Accept


6. Simplicity vs. Security

Users demand to keep their information and uploaded data secured and creating a code which maintains a balance between these parameters can be a tedious and nerve racking job.

Security calls for a lot of clearance like password and other credentials. But, the user gets annoyed if he is asked to type in the credentials on every click. So, users demand security but not at the cost of simplicity.


7. The Promises of Web 2.0

It is a hard job to start any program from the scratch, so most of the programmers like to use ready made templates of programs and logics. Web 2.0 lets programmers merge their codes with the ones which are already out there on the net. Sounds very tempting but the process is highly complicated and can at times take a long time as a grant from the firm that owns the patent to the template is required. Why would they provide you the code and who knows what you are going to use it for.