10 Gruesome Mistakes That Kill Startups

5. Keeping “The Big Idea” confidential

Every startup comes with a big idea. It could be a plan that acts as a blue print for the organization’s success. Often the misconception that rules a young entrepreneur’s mind is to keep this so called Big Idea in secrecy, fearing the revelation could lead to the success of other Organizations, but this is not true. Ideas can generate within any mind. No one can copyright an Idea which is not established. Startups can get meaningful suggestions as to how they could improve upon their performance by sharing the so called “Big Idea”.

6. Losing focus of the set path

Young entrepreneurs have a lot of issues pertaining to the emerging trends that happen on a daily basis within the market. The only constant thing about change is that change is not constant. A start up needs to adapt and change its policies depending on various situations but the most important part is to never lose focus of the path that it needs to follow. A young entrepreneur takes varied decisions but the decisions should not have an impact on the growth of the organization.