10 Greatest Rebirths In Tech History

#7 Windows 7 making the balance right

After the disastrous Windows Vista, there was a lot on stake for Microsoft if it ever repeats such a mistake again. However, the Redmond based company’s next outing, Windows 7 restored its battered reputation for desktop OSes by being reliable and relatively bug-free, with less crapware and fewer annoying limitations, something which Vista failed at. Sadly for Microsoft, its latest offering, Windows 8, seems to be proving even less popular than Vista.

#6 Computer time-sharing

Not long before, computing meant typing commands on a keyboard attached to a terminal, with the processing power and data storage devices being placed in a chilled room far way from you. Well the same concept has resurfaced again but in a new avatar. Virtualization and cloud computing represent the new computer time-sharing, only instead of some boxes in a room that communicate with mainframes, now we have smart devices that communicate with server farms.

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