10 Global Cities with Least Opportunities

Bangalore: Stuck in a rut of a city? Check if your city has made it to the list, which offers the least opportunities for growth and development as per a global survey. Mumbai is one of the lowest scoring cities for intellectual capital and innovation. The global survey called Cities of Opportunities 2012 prepared by PricewaterhouseCoopers ranked 27 cities in the world for its future advancement potential and chances. The top two on the list are Stockholm and Toronto. The ten cities with the lowest score and least opportunities’ are:

Istanbul best known for being a glorious travel destination gets the last position on the intellectual capital and innovation category. Even though it is Turkey’s largest city and represents the economic, cultural and historical front. The score of 45 it makes the city in dire need for intellectual upturn. These scores present the trend of the social and economic development of the city, which needs a positive approach in Istanbul. It also points out that the generation of skills only can lead to social improvisation.