10 Extremely Successful People Who Barely Sleep

#9 Marissa Mayer

CEO of Yahoo

Marissa started her career at Google and gained a reputation by working as much as 130 hours a week. Some days she would push through the work and pull all nighters, leaving little time to sleep. The Guardian Report states that Marissa sleeps for 4 to five hours per day and her mantra for recharge includes weeklong vacations every four months.

#8 Tim Armstrong


Waking up around 5 in the morning, Tim Armstrong starts working from his car as he goes to work at 7 a.m. and keeps working till its 7 in the evening. Tim tries to get minimum six hours of sleep per night but often ends up staying up late which he admits is not ‘ideal’. This workaholic even had a habit of sending emails soon after waking up, but has currently restrained this habit and attends e-mails only after 7 a.m.

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