10 Enterprise Technologies That Changed the Way We Do Business

9. Salesforce.com:

The company faced stiff competition from its competitors which mainly included the existing CRM systems running in on-site data centers, when it first debuted in 1999. The company now has a total of more than 100,000 customers worldwide. The main reason to its success can be credited to its scalable product that provides such a global view into the customer data.

8. Adobe PDF:

We have long been neglecting the importance of PDF documents, but it’s the ability of these docs to run in practically any computing environment that makes it so attractive. Docs in PDF format are capable of running in any Operating System, desktops, mobiles and that has made it the most popular choice on the internet. A recent figure revealed by Adobe states that there are more than a 150 million PDF docs on the web today. Recent advancements including e-signatures have made PDF popular in banking and financial sectors as well.