10 BYOD Concerns for CIOs

#9 Corporate end user device policy:

It is the duty of CIO’s to make sure that they control the flow of user devices coming into the enterprise. IT departments that have BYOD policies usually set limits on the devices to be accepted and supported. This is done by publishing a “choice list” of approved devices that end users must select from. The list also can feature the do’s and don’ts on the amount of data available on across these devices.

#10 Support of C-Level executives:

The support from c-level executives is the most important stuff that a CIO must remember. Company leads must make sure that IT executives constantly back the employees and BYOD policy. This means that the policy must be applicable to all the employees within the company, regardless of their position. If the executives start ignoring the corporate policy, then it is going to be pretty hard for BYOD to be enforced even at the staff level.

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