10 Best Business Apps of 2012

9. My Lead Responder

You have to no more worry about the lead notifications after you have My Lead Responder. My Lead Responder is a productivity app that sends you an instant notification via phone call or e-mail when a lead submits info. It even provides you instant and organized lead responses that can be accessed from anywhere. It intends to exclude the time taken between lead creation and agent responses that allow the users to close lead fast.

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10. Mobile Doc Scanner

This is an app which is used exclusively for your Android device! Any type of document can be scanned with MD Scanner ranging from receipts and text pages, you just have to convert the file into PDF format and share it instantly from anywhere any time you want. The exclusive features include quickly scan and manage multi-page documents, high quality document edge detection and perspective correction and also Cloud storage and social network integration for accessibility and sharing. The application is available in India and is very much appreciated.

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