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Advice Request
Vivek Solanki
Vivek Solanki

Vivek Solanki


Tikona Digital Networks

Advice For New Professionals:
I have 4 years of experience in service industry and sales.
Keeping an eye on market exposure is needed to have a stability in marketing.

Presently working as Channel Partner with Tikona Digital Networks Private Limited.

Strategic Consulting, including business plan & sales strategy development.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Market Growth.
The Journey So Far:
Exciting and Learning a great entrepreneurship.
Plans For The Future:
Business Today
The Decisions That Matter
Finding TIkona as Perfect opting to work with.
Working Life Management:
Keep on Implementing Idea and Timely response wherever needed.
Required Reading:
Broadband Industry, Yoga, Exploring Google.
Degrees That Matter:
Done Differently:
Still on a learning phase. Need to explore more.
Growth Strategy:
Em phasing on my networking and people those sported and supported.
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