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Advice Request
Vishal Anand
Vishal Anand

Vishal Anand

International Sales and Marketing Professional

Voltas Limited


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Family Background
My father is a Rtd. Dy Controller(Govt Officer),Mother a Homemaker.Wife Anu is PGD in Financial Markets but stay home and largely a homemaker.She does some free lancing and also take tuition classes.7 years old daughter studies in class 2. All 4 elder sisters are married & are homemakers.
Contribution to the field
Voltas Limited,a Tata Group company where I work is a Globl Engineering Solution provider company and recognised Internationally.Voltas AC have become India's No.1 Brand beating MNCs.Voltas not only gives me freedom to work in my area but also pr0mote CFT expertise and encourage CSR works.
Importance of sales
Sales & Nos. are like Oxygen for a company.Like humans, once you get breathing right then only can think of any other activities. Though other organs are equally needed to run a body but flow of Oxygen decide life & death ...this is so true for importance of Sales for an organization.
Brief yourself
I am a B.Sc in Physics & then did Masters in International Business from Delhi School of Economics, Delhi University in 2000. Have been working on various exports profile for last 12 years & currently head this function in my company. Love reading, traveling & meeting people from different cultures.
Branding is an important key for organization irrespective of industry type. While a good brand image help attract new buyers & retain existing one. Lesser experience then perceived Brand image can actually trigger a walkout for buyers. In commoditised world BRANDING is the only differentiators.
What suggestions would you like to give to the aspirants who want to make their career in Marketing only?
Anyone who wants to excel in marketing must show a great deal of understanding about different people and their different needs and hence EMPATHY is a great tool.He/she should be a great observer & learner from street. Just understand ADVERTISING in only a part of Marketing & think much beyond this.
Motivating Factor
One of the great motivation has been to excel in self eye and always setting a clear goal for me. Belongingness & respect from company, peers & bosses have also been great factor. Other factor is that my career has been helping achieve my personal & family goals as well.
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