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Advice Request
Vinoth Duraisamy
Vinoth Duraisamy

Vinoth Duraisamy

Senior Web Developer


Advice For New Professionals:
Be a learner and love what you do,then the field automatically change your life style.
The Decisions That Matter
First i started my career as Customer support executive in a BPO startup after completed the under graduation in the field of information technology. After three months i realized that i was going in a wrong way that was not suitable for my skill. Then i decided to learn a programming language. On that time i decided to learn PHP in a local computer educational institute. That's the key change of my life.
After a 3 months course i placed in a company called i3ITPEOPLE. After joining there my life has changed into a new dimension. I have struggled at times in the beginning,then i realized the importance of my role and competition. After that i focused more on new technologies to attract clients and management. More than 3 years later now i also imagining and competing with new technologies as like a new comer. That's life. :) cheers.
Career Profile:
Website development and managing team with the task sharing. As a team leader i learnt a lot from the team members. They taught me how to handle each humanity because everyone has a difference type of mentality. Am enjoying as a team player as well as a leader.
Job Profile:
Web application developer and team leader. Developing e-commerce application and task sharing to manging team members.
Professional Strengths:
PHP,Mysql,Ajax,Jquery,framework,API,Curl,Soap,Agile methodology,Social media,HTML,CSS
Plans For The Future:
My future will be bright with a strong team of web technologies any where in the world.
Done Differently:
E-commerce is developed immersible. I started working on it before 1 year and i done various websites all over the world that delivering tremendous business for the clients.
Growth Strategy:
Keep on studying on new technologies and methods to teach juniors and co players. That's all what i do.
Degrees That Matter:
Completed M.Sc. information technology in Bharathiar university distance education. And i also got php certification.
Other Thoughts:
Only smile to share.
Required Reading:
There are lots of books available in on line. I prefer below sites
Family Background
Dad,mom and two elder brothers i have living together in same house. Home sweet home.
Involvement in the Industry
Developing websites are the greatest in the world. We all know it is growing like a monster. As we developing different types of websites it will teach us to modify the work style and skill.
Working Life Management:
Live the life what i got and plan accordingly. Because excess desire may cause serious issue.:)
Role Model:
Apart from professional i like more people to learn from them. Each one has unique skill. I look closely to them and i do follow them in day to day life.
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