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Advice Request
Vineet Aggarwal
Vineet Aggarwal

Vineet Aggarwal

Technical Head - Mobile Technology

BrickRed Technologies


Vineet Aggarwal is a member of:

- Expert
The Journey: Early days to how I got here
The Journey: Early days to how I got here

the past 9 years, my only mantra is to do focused research in
technology and see the industry trends. I believe that you need to be
better than people around you and change yourself according to the
industry changing demands.

I started my career as a 3D game
developer and developed exciting 3D Games. During the initial stage, I
realized that the mobile industry would be the next booming industry and
this had led me to join SKJ Technologies, as J2ME Developer.

career boosted when I got an offer to lead the mobile division in
Compare Infobase. I led a large team of 20 mobile developers and was
soon promoted to Project Manager as an acknowledgement for my

I developed a lot of key mobile properties and
mentored group of freshers to the next level. Here, I developed my
skills in project management, presales and designing project

But soon I realized that Android would be the next
big thing in mobile industry and J2ME will soon vanish. Therefore, I
joined Rhythm Mobiles, as Technical Manager and delivered various
projects on Android and learned about mobile VAS industry. This had
given me a chance to work with major telecom operators.

gave new dimension to my life. Currently Im handling the mobile division
in BrickRed Technologies and now my apps are coming bundled with Mobile
handsets and tablets across the globe. I use Agile methodologies for
successful delivery of projects and focus on effective project
architecture. The company has provided me enough opportunities to shape
up my career.

I believe hard work should be focused and you can
win your customer only by providing solutions to him. These days I am
moving myself to cross-platform apps and open-source, as my research
says this will be next big thing in mobile space.

Android Training

day, I got a call from a training company in Hyderabad for online
training to US students on weekends. It changed my outlook and I
realized that sharing knowledge is a good way to connect with the
developers community. I got an invitation from Times Group and had given
three webinars on Android for them and got overwhelming response. My
photograph was published in Times of India and Economic Times for my
work. It has been an exciting journey so far from a software developer
to being the head of mobile division of one of the topmost company in
Decisions That Mattered
Three important decisions changed my life. They are

a) The
decision to enter mobile industry over 3D gaming industry was painful
but successful for me. I took this risk because I saw 3D gaming will get
more time to evolve in India. Mobile Gaming was a promising career
option as mobile VAS industry was growing in fast pace due to telecom
b) Research is my strongest point and I knew Android would
soon become dominant force in mobile industry and therefore I left a
1000 people company to join a 50 people start up company.
c) Due to
long working hours, I was not sure that I would be able to start
training with my job. I started waking up 2 hours early to provide
online training to students in the US. Good reviews boosted my
confidence and today I am training 1000 students in one session. The
mobile community now appreciates me for my contribution.
The Inflection Points In My Career
1. Joining BrickRed Technologies provided a platform to move from a
Mobile Consumer Industry to an Enterprise. It was here that I achieved
my dream of having my apps preloaded in mobile handsets.
2. I
started android training on my moms advice. My Mom has always been a
guiding force for me. She helped me take key decisions in my life. She
advised me to share my knowledge to the mobile community. The success of
my webinars and training has helped me increased my knowledge.
Work and Role: Then and Now
I started my career as software developer and coding in Java. After 9
years of professional career I still code in Java but these days I am
bundled with responsibilities. I am in-charge of development, project
management, team mentoring, research on new technologies, presales on
mobile technologies, Client management, working on open source, product
designing and keeping myself updated to the latest technologies.

point is as you move up the ladder, you need to be more focused and
drive yourself with more responsibilities to build up your future.
Two Years down the Line
I view myself in the role of a technical architect and looking forward
to groom myself to the role of Director level or Chief Technical Officer
in a good company. I may move outside India to explore more
What I Learnt Along the Way
My brother once told me from his experiences that supposed you are a
goalkeeper and you save a hundred goals in a match but people will
forget that whenever you missed to save a goal. The same thing applies
to the professional industry. You do a lot of good work but one bad
feedback will spoil everything.

Some of the key lessons:

Always try to maintain a good relation with your clients, your seniors
and even with your juniors too. If you are working in a team then your
team success should be a priority. This led to my team receiving the
Best Team Award from the company.
b) Criticism is your friend and it keeps you on ground. Always try to improve your weakness and increase your strengths.
c) Write down what mistakes you have done in your last project and how you can improve them.
d) Both verbal communication and written communication matter these days. So give them equal importance.
Your Profession: Then and Now
These days, Client works on Agile methodologies and you need to change
accordingly. Pressure and opportunities were less in earlier days.

shift in mobile technology from J2ME to Android and iOS tells you that
you need to keep yourself updated with new technologies.

These days, there is a decline in quality of skills but the mobile industry is still in a steady growth.

one thing that will not change is the importance of knowledge. Industry
always value knowledgeable minds and this trend will continue.
Trends to Watch Out
The demand for cross platform apps will increase as mobile network
connectivity is improving. Smartphone usage will increase exceptionally
due to 3G and 4G networks. Mobile social media will become a huge
business. Big Data technologies will change enterprise mindsets. For
people like me, this is the time to start thinking on solutions and take
advantage of the market.
My Advice If You are Starting Out
Mobile domain is a very good space to start ones career. But one
should be ready to learn new technologies as the change is rapid. The
industry is promising and is expected to grow at a good rate in the
coming years. But the industry demands hardworking people who are ready
to adapt themselves in the challenging environment.

Facebook and
Google have created enough space to grow our ideas. Take advantage of
Opensource technologies like Android, Google App Engine and build your
The Areas of Specialization:
If you want to start with Android improve your Java and OOPS. Same way
for iOS you need Objective C. Currently mobile developers should focus
on these two technologies: HTML5, and JQueryMobile. PhoneGap is a good
choice for cross platform apps but will take of lot of time to evolve.
Do We Need Certifications?
I have not done any certification but I took part in many developers
conference. Android does not asks for any certification, but I believe
certifications like SCJP will surely improve your programming concepts. A
certification may bring more opportunities but what matter are
practical knowledge and the various ways to apply that knowledge.
Books/ Websites I Recommend.
Last But Not the Least:
You can contact me at for taking any advice or
discussion. You can also connect with me on Linkedin. Just type two
keywords Vineet android and you will find me. I am always there to help
you. And keep on doing research.
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