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Surlak Patel
Surlak Patel

Surlak Patel

Head of Android & Java Enterprise



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- Expert
The Journey : Early Days to How I Got Here
I always wanted to be self reliant while building large Enterprise systems and products. I believed that practical help more than just theories. So very early I decided to explore different fundamental branches in IT industry. Before 11 years the journey started with exploring Systems and then after Networks. Later went into large sized Infrastructure where in my previous experience helped me to stabilize and explore more on Telecom front. As this infrastructure had huge database at core it gave me the next step to move. There after things moved very fast and I was able to work on lot of different client required applications. After application development a span of 5 years came where in I had to focus on Products and Frameworks related to Java Enterprise. Following it Mobile Computing became a basic requirement for everybody and hence I was required to extend solutions for Mobile Platforms.

My recent years have been into Enterprise Mobility domain working as Department Head: Android & Java Enterprise. The most recent role is as BTC (Business and Technology Consultant)
Decisions That Mattered
My key decision was to learn things from practical exposure starting From Systems & Networks to Applications & Product Architecture. It helps me even today to understand the basic architecture of any technology/stream/product I follow.
Moving me towards Product and Framework Development in enterprise domain and focusing on R&D was second key decision.

Third important decision was to undertake the challenge of Developing and establishing Android & Java Enterprise Team at IndiaNIC which paved my way into Enterprise Mobility.
The Turning Points in My Life
The key inflection point was to join IndiaNIC and taking up the challenge to build a team that can work on mobile platforms utilizing the knowledge and experience of Java Enterprise to serve latest trends and requirements.
Work and Role: Then and Now
In the current profile I am more focused on providing consulting to Clients and Partners for Business and Technology Solutions. This consulting serves the base for our Clients/Partners for decision making in their Business and Projects. Along with Management Team and other senior stake holders I have to decide on what will be the key focus area of the Company moving ahead based on market trends both in terms of Business and Technology.

Previous role was more focused on growing a department with various tasks like expansion, budgeting, talent acquisitions, etc. It also had the responsibility of Project Management and Client relations specific to the Departments focus. i.e Android & Java.

In previous job my role was focused on Product Architecture and Framework developments.
Two Years Down the Line
Couple of years from now I see myself as one of the most sorted after Enterprise Mobility Expert.
What I Learnt Along the Way
Keep moving ahead of all the odds.  Stay focused. Give your 100% to anything that you do. Keep writing your ideas or solutions. Analyze things and make pointers which might help you for decision making in future.
Changing Days: Lessons Learnt
It has been a great shift then previous days. Technology has been changing in multifold. The life cycle of technologies, products and solutions have become shorter. Current environment requires a person to be very dynamic and constantly learning (I like that).
Trends to Watch Out For
Android will be the key focus for Enterprises & Business houses along with other players. Enterprise Mobility will be the space where the movement will be. This will make both Cloud and Mobile Platform specifically android as the most viable combination.

Enterprise Focus in the longer run will come to Power Grid management [Green Computing] and applications/solutions surrounding it.

Next big thing will be shifting computing itself from Electronics to Chemicals. [15-30 years horizon]
My Advice If You are Starting Out
• Always focus on Practical and live exposure and try implementing various concepts
• Sticking to what your heart believes.
• Surrounding movements and career decisions of others should not deter your plans.
• Ups and Downs in Market situations is Natural.
• Try to understand and analyze how things work i.e look beyond the abstraction.
Must Focus Areas For the Future
Android as a whole platform has lot of opportunities. Specialization in customizing Android for specific purpose will be the most sought after. Providing Mobile solutions having Scalability of Cloud will follow.
Do We Need Certifications?
Certifications do help to uplift and make your profile visible. It might bring you more Interview calls. But it is only the practical concepts and the knowledge about the technology and the grasping attitude that actually helps.
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