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Advice Request
Vijay Khandekar
Vijay Khandekar

Vijay Khandekar


Ernst & Young

Seeing yourself after 10 years from now
As far as future plans are concern,my immediate goal is to gain industry experience.Being a fresher it is very important for me to get the industry exposure and know-how of corporate world.10-12 years down the line, I see myself totally engaged in my own venture and for that i do have 2-3 ideas.
Influential person
If I have to name one person then it would certainly be the living legend of Indian Cricket, Sachin Tendulkar. There are loads of things for Youngsters to learn from him. The way he carries himself off and on the field. The passion & dedication he has for his game always motivates me to give my best
One hobby which I like the most is “Writing Diary”.During my engineering days, I used to maintain it regularly but now after getting into IIM,things are not remained same but I somehow manage to take out time for it.Whenever I glance through pages of it,it takes me into old days & makes me nostalgic
Strong Subject
In college,my favorite subject are computer networking & strategy.To build an interest towards something one needs proper guidance and fortunately I have so many people around me who are responsible behind my inclination & reason is practicality, these subjects have. I hold CCNA & MCP certification.
Achievement that you proud off
On top of the list is my social venture “SWABHAV” which I started with two of my friends. It`s a business model in which we join hands with big brands and put their advertisements on the auto-rickshaws. The money we earn from this, we use that to fund the education of girl child of those autodrivers
Quick Advice
It would be “keep things as simple as possible”.To be best & stand-out from crowd, youngsters make things complex. We need to understand that now practice does not make a man perfect but it’s a man who makes a practice perfect and for that one needs to have passion and keep things simple.
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