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Advice Request
Veeren Shah
Veeren Shah

Veeren Shah


Gaytes Information Systems Private Ltd.


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Our family has been for higher education and that remains as the main goal for living. My grand father was Income Tax Commissioner of Mumbai. My father with post graduation in Metalurgy from Germany and running his business since 45 years. My sister and mother and myself, all qualified and postgrads
The Journey So Far
Post Graduation in Electronics from Germany. Was taken up as top 5 student in the history of the university to have completed the masters in a shortest span & incl. in the book publ. of 25 yrs of the Uni. Did job for 1 year with Siemens and SAP. Started business thereafter and running it till now.
Required Reading
CAST to CMST, CSQA, CSTE are what I would recommend. Refer to sites and books on continuous basis. This is important and highly helpful for anyone wanting to make a career in QA/Testing Domain.
A Fine Balance:
My work starts in the office and ends in the office! I do not carry my work pressures and work at home. Mobile gets switched off at night. Time after reaching home is with my famly and yearly holidays with family and friends. Good working team in the company takes away the work pressures.
Most Important Lessons
Too many to fit in this short space. However, the most important of all has been to have a very ethical, noble and correct behavior in professional life. If you need to rise and rise well and go a long way, this is the sure way. Commit and stay with the committments.
Changes in the industry
Dramatically! From very laborious and difficult manual testing to advanced development tools that cut’s
Off development and testing times to testing tools that reduce lots of efforts.
Areas for the Future
QA and Testing will undergo massive changes. Our need to have things faster and better, forces the products to be released in the market in the shortest time possible. Testing domain will be more closely linked with the programmers i.e. part of the development team.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
I started as a programmer and since then gone up to start a company and thereafter 2 more. The responsibilities as a programmer to managing are vastly different and the profile gradually changed helping me adjust an adapt to the changing responsibilities.
Parting thoughts
Work Hard, stay abreast of new technological developments, read books, study new products and read many websites. Spend lots of time with friends and family, they make life worth living and technology makes lifes interesting!
Currently working at
Currently, I am busy running the business where I am involved and have my interests. Management, Technical development or ideas for new products
Degrees that Matter
CAST to CMST, CSQA, CSTE are what I would recommend. Refer to sites and books on continuous basis. This is important and highly helpful for anyone wanting to make a career in QA/Testing Domain.
Essential Advice
Read books. Do the certification courses. Join groups and visit plentiful websites on QA.
Most Important Decisions
I think, my career journey so far has self evolved and the decisions made as per the ‘testing’ times. From a job to a entrepreneur, as opportunities came along the way, I took bold steps and jumped into
Each of the opportunities and they have all been very rewarding
Role Model
The TATA’s and especially Ratan Tata, who was considered as a failure before he was inducted into the Tata Board to run the Tata Group to where he has changed the way the TATA’s are perceived in the world today. At the same doing as much for the society.
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