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Varun Mittal
Varun Mittal

Varun Mittal

Sr. Digital Marketing Executive

Webedge Info Pvt. Ltd.

My role model
I have had several Role Model or influences throughout my life, each being involved at a different stage, and having a different impact.

Meet My father, my role model; My dad shows me that we are not tied to a destiny based on our history, but that we can take control of our own futures and shape it the way we want. My dad has looked beyond his difficulties for the positives in his situation, and because of his resilience and gentle strength, he has provided me with an excellent role model on how to age gracefully.

My next major influence, my role model, was Swami Vivekananda, who was put a key figure in the introduction of the Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world He was a major force in the revival of Hinduism in India, and contributed to the concept of nationalism in colonial India. He too showed that how to linked morality with control of the mind, seeing truth, purity and unselfishness as traits which strengthened it.
Couple of years from now
In next two years I hope to be in a role that impacts and contributes to my company and followers. I am going to be learning and gaining experience until then. I know there are a lot of things to learn, but I’m going to be working hard for the next two years. I Know opportunity knock the door of great workers and I’m going to try to be one of them.
Important decision
The Most Important Decision in my life was starting my career as a SEO Executive. I work online and look forward to any alone time to continue to grow and build it. Not listening to close family and friends who questioned me in the beginning. Constantly questioned me. How annoying. Anyway, I now help people in my area. I show them what I do and how I do it and they are following my lead and slowly growing their online business. When I do finally reach my financial goal I am going to teach many others with my big plan. All in due time. New beginnings are great especially when they lead you to pleasant unexpected places.
My achievements
Good question, in my case, difficult to answer. I'm still in my life, but haven't reached any true life changing goals yet other than still being alive. Pride is a vanity I'm incapable of, but my goals are still set to be free of what has attacked me, to realize my education, and hope for my efforts to one day work to do what I set out to do.

I can even revert to childish things I picked a wildflower in the Spring brought it home to share put in a small vase, for them, because they care.
Brief description about me
Varun Mittal is working in specialist role involving Digital Marketing for an IT cum Real Estate Company over a 2 Year career and holds a Bachelor in Technology(B Tech). I work with small to medium sized businesses to help them develop a comprehensive online and offline marketing strategy.

Here is a quick overview of my experience:

- Building SEO Strategy and Planning to improve web traffic.

- Strong knowledge of SEO tools and site analytic principles.

- Complete understanding SEO works (both On-page and Off-page).

- Website analysis, Google analytic, Google Ad-words, Google Webmaster & Google Tag Manager.

- Monitor, track and report website performance and recommend strategies.

- Promote our sites through social media, blogs and any other relevant platforms.

My Blog:
Ensuring success
Growth and Development is journey not a destination, so I am continuously learning. I read a lot of article, journals and books on my professional growth, watch videos, anything where I can get a new perspective.

I have started writing my blog, this really helps me understand my views on Digital Marketing, get feedback on them and see how I can adapt them to improve them.

I try to get a better understanding of my Digital Marketing style, it’s impact, and how I can tailor it for different situations.

I look to get feedback from my teams and viewers, to see what people feel is working, and what isn’t.

Finally, I look to get Digital Marketing coaching, get an outside view of what I am doing.

The more we learn, the better we understand, the better we understand, the better we can be!
Important lesson learned
I recently turned 24. And during the journey to 24, I’ve learned so much. Below are 24 of the most important life lessons from those 24 years. Take your time and explore —they’re all meaningful to me.

1. We must love: In spite of the fact that we must love, affection is insufficient to survive. We must make a move to show others that we mind, to demonstrate to them that we love them.

2. Live up to your own highest idea.Our duty is to encourage every one in his struggle to live up to his own highest idea,and strive at the same time to make the ideal as near as possible to the Truth.

3. People love you and after that they don't. Human beings are spry. We go to bunk in affection and get up feeling trapped. In some cases a relationship finishing has nothing to do with you. Off and on again it has everything. Possibly way, its an exercise in futility to feel unlovable a while later on the grounds that risks are you will experience passionate feelings for once more.
Initiative to develop a country
Web can make India a well developed county by giving opportunities to young people which will enable them to be self dependable. and making aware among the peoples about the different aspect of the rule , development project. Making the people aware from the root level that is from the village level. spreading education through the rural areas explain them about the development of the rural last but not in the list that about the taxation there should not be various type of taxation . there should be one taxation system. that's why all the taxpayer will pay there tax simple and conveniently. which will definitely increase the govt revenue and all respective development.
My family background
My family comprises of 6 members my parents myself and my 3 brothers.My father is 45 years old he is a business man. He runs his own business of Iron goods. My mother is a house wife she spend her whole life for her children. My two brothers chooses engineering field and youngest brother choose his career with my father.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Most great leaders do not become great by chance.
These things are essential leadership qualities that are required for leaders in all areas of life.

The first essential quality required in a leader is integrity. Integrity is something that explains a person's inner values and a person's integrity is displayed through his outward actions. People tend to respect leaders that display good integrity. It is a character trait that is hard to develop, but is often developed from childhood on.

A great leader must not limit himself to strictly managing people, but should also take part in all types of activities. It is easier for employees, or others, to do their jobs when they see that their leader, or manager, is also willing to do the same job.

Leaders have the ability to anticipate trends, well in advance of their competitors. They continually ask, “Based on what is happening today, where is the market going? Where is it likely to be in three months, six months, one year.
My strongest skill
Digital Marketing changed significantly over the last few years.

In my opinion, there’s a new game to play, but the old game is still there too logical. So, as a digital marketing professional, I need to be proficient at (among other things):

Blogging: In my view, blogging is very essential part of today era’s digital marketing.

Coding: As an online marketing professional, we must be aware of HTML, CSS, Jquery coding.

RSS, RSS Readers: I consider an understanding of RSS to be central to people doing some work in social media. For one thing, RSS turns monitoring multiple searches and sites every day into a manageable task.

Social Media Marketing & Optimization: Facebbok, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Pinterest and many more sites which can helping to online branding and generating new visitors which would convert into leads later.

SEO – Search Engine Optimization is the most powerful and most sensitive tool now. Because after Google updates, SEO becomes very difficult and ethical.
Degree that I recommend
An MBA in Marketing would be an added advantage. I tried few online courses, but the demand of MBA didn't allow me to ignore it. It is more of self learning of concepts from various online courses and has given me a good overview of the current International Business and Markets.
Influenced by
My mom and Daddy have influenced my life the most by demonstrating kindness, compassion, empathy, integrity, peace, contentment, calmness even in the face of extreme challenges, passion for life.

they thought me fundamentals such as persistence and being inquiring!
Thoughts on Education system of our country
India endures a genuine absence of value instructive organizations. Instructors are the spine of the instructive framework however we need quality educators in our schools today. The school educational module is outdated and needs a radical change. The learners are addressed, hectored and guided not taught how to test suppositions, make presentations or do aggregation work. The repetition based instruction cuts off the conception of new thoughts, new potential outcomes. Recorded beneath are a portion of the measures which ought to be taken to enhance the nature of instruction:

1.improve the nature of instruction especially at the essential level. educational program ought to be revamped/practical preparing ought to be provided for keep it in sync with the needs of the business and the present day world.

3.appropriate budgetary assignment for instruction part ought to be carried out to enhance the nature of schools/build more schools.
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