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Advice Request
V B Manian
V B Manian

V B Manian

Lean Six Sigma Professional

Indian School of Professional Excellence (ISPE)

Important lesson learned
Rather than regarding myself to be learnt based on my past life & experience, who wants (may want) to give/share lessons to/with others, I believe in making Self Continuous Improvement (Continuous Improvement is also a Six Sigma philosophy), both personally as well as professionally, taking each day of life as it comes to me & try to imbibe the good things from it & shed/stay away from the bad things.
My strongest skill
To be honest, I don't believing in blowing my own trumpet & would rather let my personal & professional acquaintances & my work speak for & about me. However still, if I have to mention one here, I would say am very detail oriented or rather have an eye for detail, which also ends up being my weakness at times, though this is a trait that has mostly always helped me to excel in my professional endeavors.
Degree that I recommend
I don't regard only Degree/s & Certificate/s earned by me or any one for that matter as education, but also believe learning in life from our past professional mistakes & experiences too, which would rather help any professional think & do better in career. Needless to mention, having good academics does ensure one a good career start & the same can be further built upon by learning & acquiring more value adding Degrees / Certificates from time to time as & when warranted or by even being pro-active. However still, unless one is able to translate these learnings had (ratified by the Degrees/Certificates acquired) into effective & result oriented application, one needs to do professional introspection. So, learning from experience too is equally valuable as education for optimal growth in one's career. Though, either without the other (especially when there is reluctance wrt either in a professional) would be a long drawn battle or at times may be even a lost battle being fought.
Important decision
Sticking to basic ethics & not compromising on both personal as well as professional integrity, as far as I have known myself. Besides, these are not some one time or past decisions made by me, but are ever continuing decisions in my life, being integral to my personality & character, which have always held me in good stead at all times & will also hold any one too who sticks by them, is my firm belief.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Wit, Foresight, Ethics, Prudence, Flexiblity, Risk taking ability, Patience, Firmness or Mentally strong, Peer & Family respect, Change enabler, Compassion & social responsibility. The above is just an exhaustive list, which I regard as essential in any leader. In addition to these there are a lot more attributes that makes one a timeless leader. To put it simply, a Leader is one, who is a hit with both the masses & the classes.
Couple of years from now
I believe in Continuous improvement, both as a person & also as a professional (being a Six Sigma practitioner). So, I see my self continuously improving, both on the personal as well as professional front, not only 2 years from now but also in all years from now. I don't believe in restricting this answer to a particular number or description, as I regard these as only indicators/goals (that keep changing from time to time) to keep one & all on their feet. If we give our best always, we'll get the best always, even if not immediately, may be a bit later, is what I as a person & professional believe in.
Brief description about me
Hi. My name is V.B.Manian. Am academically a qualified accounting & finance professional having reasonable experience in the Lean Six Sigma & Process Excellence (PEX) domain, both as a trainer & consultant, besides having stints in the Collections vertical too, apart from accounts & finance. I have formerly worked with Citigroup for more than 4 years & am currently serving as a Senior Consultant with Enrich IT Solutions Pvt ltd, where my job involves & revolves around providing consulting & advisory services on the entire gamut of business ranging from Business Development & Migration, Training, Operations to Process Excellence. Besides, am also associated with Indian School of Professional Excellence (ISPE) as a Management team member overseeing the day to day business operations therein & also as a Lean Six Sigma trainer & PEX consultant for ISPE's public, corporate & institutional workshop programs & corporate clients, respectively. My total working experience spans over a decade.
More about myself
To be & do good in life, both personally as well as professionally, one may follow the below, if convinced:
1) Stick to ethics as much/far as possible.
2) Believe in self, thought & action (wrt realistic goal setting).
3) Always try to give your best in whatever you do.
4) Be a Self Motivator (this is very important).
5) Philanthropy should (rather must) be a part of one's personality.
6) Never under estimate any one.
7) Never forget the favours/help others have done for you.
8) Strive for Excellence in what you do & Success will follow you automatically as a by product.
9) Be detached to fruit/desired result in course of action.
10) Last, but not the least. Pray, thank & believe in God (Divine grace is necessary).

Thank you
Initiative to develop a country
Providing free education (at any level), if, wherever 881984 in whatever way possible for the needy coupled with responsible philanthropy.
My role model
No single person in particular as every person, who can be regarded as role model is unique to him/herself. I regard every person who has made it for him/herself on his/her own sheer grit, determination, confidence, knowledge, intelligence had & being ethical along with a sense of social responsibility, such achievement of his/her's being considered respectable in civil society & per the legal system of the country he/she inhabits &/or is a citizen of, as my role model, as I believe in one's holistic growth & not just professional or growth in a particular sphere to inspire me to choose any particular person as a role model.
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