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Advice Request
Urmila Kodali
Urmila Kodali

Urmila Kodali

Sr Manager

General Motors


Urmila Kodali is a member of:

Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Dedication, will power and has to be people person with a great sense of humor. Cannot have your personal judgment take over in handling people, never be biased
Couple of years from now
Someone who women can look upon as a leader and off course someone my kids can feel proud of.

Career is something that has to be felt within self, taking responsibility in a situation and handling it is career and every women is a leader ,look at the way they run their homes , job and careers doesn’t need to be working for a company, it could be working for self and family too. who else better than a women, working or not
Degree that I recommend
Something that an individual feel comfortable at, I learned software testing and focused on leadership skills and I am where I am today because of that. I also have great passion for cooking and one day will take that as a career if everything falls in place
Ensuring success
Right now focusing on what I have at hand and trying to make it the best. I keep taking refresher classes on handling people, handling conflicts and how to build great team, the title might sound very old and repetitive but it gives me refresher and a confidence that what I am doing is in the right path . As they say Old is Gold :)
My strongest skill
I am great people person and everyone’s says I make them motivated and bring them back on track when they feel low, and I am a self-motivator too, I do have a great sense of humor that keeps me going
More about myself
Everyone’s priorities in life are different, do what feel good inside your heart, I have always been a very independent thinker and have made decisions in life that I so proudly can tell. In this entire journey I always had my mentor, my guide and my role model my husband beside me always. such a driving force in my life, without whose guidance and patience I would have not reached any level or for that mattered would not have had such a matured view point to things, and my kids bring the joy to my life, as someone said “life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away and every moment spend with them is like that to me”
Important decision
Along the way few very personal decisions that I have made , like when I took off for a year from job to take care of my new born and then again took almost 1 ½ years to be with ailing father back India. These are things that make you what you are and can feel for others too, very important part of professional life called work/life balance
Important lesson learned
Nothing comes before Family, highest priority is family. End of the day it is family that has gained or lost from your achievements or misjudgments, your success and failures, your happiness and sorrows.

You will find family still standing strongly along with you in all of these.
My family background
Same I mentioned in the very first question, nothing more, nothing less
My achievements
Every moment of success and failures that I have seen in life are the greatest achievements, the very first interview when I had locked myself into a room nervous and answering exactly what was asked and got the job and then attending another interview couple of year later with so much confidence that I had mentioned to the person interviewing if someone still doesn’t understand what I propose I would rather take them to Starbucks coffee and will talk it out with a cup of coffee and they laughed so much. So every moment spend professionally and personally are the greatest achievements of my life and there is still so much to come.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think the education system is India is much more superior compared to anywhere else that is why world leader keep taking India’s education system as an exemplary system. The only thing is how many are getting that much needed education?
Initiative to develop a country
If time and money are in disposal every professional can contribute to the education, there are so many institutions in India that does great things in education, if you cannot spend time, spend money and give that education, we support one girl child since past 6-7 years back home, keeping in mind that family comes first, but any small contribution based on your capacity is & will be good contribution
My role model
My husband, couple of years ago he was diagnosed with rheumatic fever and that kept him in hospital for few weeks, he was in such a horrible pain that he could not even walk without a support, he put on so much weight due to steroids, but then I saw him back on his feet and he still has so much pain but he is working now and travels and at the same time always finds time to spend with family and taking care of our needs. Before all of these too he was my motivation to learn computer and I owe my success to him fully, without his understanding and support nothing could have been possible
Brief description about me
I come from an Army background, so my up brining has been very independent and disciplined
My dad always encouraged me to be in sports and that gave me such advantage of learning new things and at the same time meeting different people with so much different personalities
My parents have always been a great supporter of education all my siblings are highly educated and now my nieces and nephews are also into the same path. Off course my kids will be too, right now they are young
I completed my MBA and came to US along with my husband, with a MBA in Marketing background had no clue about computer except that we did some basic computer stuff in MBA, and so with will power and dedication and great support from my husband I completed computer education and started to work
Influenced by
Still I would say my family my Husband and my kids, so all the reason I gave in few of previous questions
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