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Advice Request
Tika Pokhrel
Tika Pokhrel

Tika Pokhrel


Kathmandu University School of Education

Way to motivate Students
Managing skills in the classroom vary from students to students. First, we need to anticipate students to encourage and to develop interest in the lesson.To develop interest, I use several techniques such as valuing the lesson is useful to achieve their career, useful to learn other skills it as a basic skill and knowledge. Sometimes, I say the lesson is so easy each can understand and develop potential skills in solving problems. Asking students about the pre-requisite knowledge sometimes motivates students learning. Asking students to create something different and unique about the lesson as project can be used as a motivating as well as learning techniques. Respecting students idea and encouraging their idea to share to others is another approach to motivate students. Developing different group activities and praising and valuing their work and asking to share is another approach to motivate them. As a conclusion,Use of appreciative approaches an in the classroom motivates students.
Important Lesson
My one of the important lesson learned form my experience is that the job and academic/professional degree or preparation should match with the job. Once I used to teach a subject other than mathematics. That was the bitter experience for me because I lose confidence in teaching the subject though I used to prepare much. I was not sure about the matters and issues that are raised by other people in the subject. I gave up after a year and decided not to go for such subjects next time. I suggest if you are interested and academically prepared in the job then you can do otherwise it may be very hard to be an excellent teacher.
My Advice
Learning is continuous process. No one is perfect in the teaching profession. The change of time the change of teaching approach, the continuous change in teaching profession is required. Lets work with positive attitude to make change of the nation so that we enrich for ourselves by understanding we are the change agent.
My priorities
The top is my job and responsibility. The tasks assigned by my institutes are of top priority. Second priority is to give time for students for individual consultation even in my personal time. Most of the students come to meet me and some use social media to solve their problem. Third is to help other agencies.
Most Rewarding Moment
One of the most successful teaching experiences in my life was winter mathematics camp conducted four years back. It was an event conducted in the winter holiday to upgrade mathematical knowledge and skills to low achievers. There were 18 students in the camp. We designed different activities in order to capture the essence of winter camp and develop basic mathematical knowledge and skills to the students of fifth and sixth grades. After twelve days, we observed the program was successful and many students benefited and were happy.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
In my view, it is the true that morning shows the day as the child shows the human. It is better to include projects or learning activities in school so that students start participating in the process of development of the nation. Students can be made involved in the process of development as an experiential learning.
Favorite Non-Academic books
I was fascinated by the three books among several non academic books. These books are Pedagogy of the Oppressed, De-schooling the society and the Diwaswapan. I have feeling different after reading first two books and found much heart. These books are written to address the gaps among students and other stakeholders. After reading these two books, I used to dream for making education more practical and I was worried about the practical aspects to implement. Later I got a very small book Diwaswapan which is very much inspirational not only for me but also for the most of the teachers. This was the guide for us to make students centered activity based instruction. This is a model for we teachers to teach in our classroom. I am very much motivated to develop such activities. I have been working in developing such activities. The book was the great book for the teachers to implement in the classroom too.
Strongest Subject
My strongest subject is mathematics. As a teacher I mostly prefer to develop teaching activities in teaching school mathematics in activity based. It is because of my interest I am much more oriented in working with school mathematics and developing different resources.
Family Background
I was the youngest son of my parents and only one child who got the opportunity to read in school after primary education. My parents are farmers. My parents are illiterate and three of four sisters did not go to school but later joined adult literacy program in the village. My brother and one of the sisters are literate in school. I was born in village where people have tendency of not valuing education. I did my tenth grade pass from a school of there. Then I started moving towards town for higher education and started to do job in town.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
In my personal experience, the education of a country to be focused on Human Value Based and flexibility in rules for quality and making teachers responsible and accountable.
Most Challenges facing by students
The greatest challenges that our students are facing are the generation and interest gap. There are gaps in interest of the curriculum matters and the matters that the students’ requires to learn. There are various conflicts in course requirements and students future career. Though curriculum developers theoretically need to address the interests of interests, our curriculum does not reflect much more such things. We teachers are supposed to follow to cover the contents of the curriculum but we do not teach lesson with the interests of the students. We teach subject but not students. Another challenge is the different in resources. Most of we teachers do not encourage students to use ICT based resources but students are interested to use those resources. For example, teachers ask students to read the given text and come to the classroom for discussion but rarely ask to watch video in the nets about the matter and come in the class.
About Me
I was born in a village. The economic condition of my family was not good and I struggled to study till school. Then I continued my struggles to study and to satisfy the stakeholders in jobs. I did B Ed in Mathematics and Health Education. During my study of B Ed, I used to teach Mathematics in schools in day time for students of grade two to seven. In similar passion, I completed my M Ed in Mathematics Education and started to teach different schools and colleges. I used to teach Mathematics to grade eight to ten during my M Ed. After completing M Ed I started to teach grades eleven and twelve and colleges. Then I completed M Phil in Educational Leadership. I am doing PhD in Curriculum and Instruction with a view to develop a translation model of ideal curriculum into practice.
Future of Indian Education System
Next few years are the years of innovation and flourishing idea. I personally see, four changes in education. First, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education. We can see the growing interest in developing different educational resources in education as teaching tools and as learning tools in different forms. Second is the shift of teaching pedagogy from teacher centered to students centered. We teachers are now thinking to change our style of teaching and trying to use variety of teaching methods as project based, problem based, group works, research and presentation by students. Third is development of activity based instruction. Different practical and real life approach to education is the realized need of recent years. Many stakeholders are in use of linking education with the real life. Finally, which is most important in our context as our own, is the integration spiritual and material values. Human value based education is the leading agenda.
My inspiring personality
There are two persons who inspired me for my study. One of them is my brother Dila Ram Pokhrel who always supports in my study and career. Another is my teacher Prof Dr Lekhnath Sharma, who is the model person for studying and teaching. He is the best person for me in terms of my academic upliftments.
Unique way of teaching
The change in national education policy with assessment system is the most important for making change. Just change in policy is the necessary condition but not sufficient condition. Continuous support and encouragement for change is essential for change. The existing assessment system is to be addressed in order to make teaching more effective and practical. Three hours of paper-pencil test and requiring structured answer system is not suitable for change. The existing government system is not based on the trust of the teachers. Teachers are to be responsible for overall development of students and the system to trust teachers are to be developed.
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